How can I prevent stoppages in my house drain line?
Excess grease should never be poured down the drain. In
addition, fat from greasy foods, such as bacon, should be
wiped off the dishes before they are put in the dishwasher.
On occasional use of hot boiling water or a good commercial
cleaner will help to keep your house drain line clean and
free of trouble.
Who is responsible for repair or replacement of the building
sewer from the sewer main in the street to the building?
This is the responsibility of the property owner.
How much wastewater does the Wastewater Treatment Plant treat?
On the average, about 7 million gallons per day (that's more than 4,800 gallons per minute!) are treated at the plant.
How are bills figured out?
Bills are based on water usage obtained through monthly water meter readings.
Does my lawn watering affect my sewer bill?
Yes! Irrigation can cause very large changes to your water/sewer bill.
What are the "units used" shown on by bill?
For the Borough of Chambersburg, a sewer unit is equivalent to 10 cubic feet or 74.8 gallons of usage.
How can I prevent stoppages in my house drain line?
Excess grease should never be poured down the drain. In
addition, fat from greasy foods, such as bacon, should be
wiped off the dishes before they are put in the dishwasher.
On occasional use of hot boiling water or a good commercial
cleaner will help to keep your house drain line clean and
free of trouble.
Can I discharge my sump pump into the sewer system?
No. Sump pumps, roof leaders, area drains or any other sources of surface water should not be allowed to enter the sewer system.
My bill is higher than normal, why?
The most common reason is an increase in water consumption. There are many causes for increased consumption and
sometimes it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact reason. Our first recommendation is that you assess your
property for plumbing problems such as a leaky toilet, faucet, or a broken pipe. Most high water/sewer bills are
a result of such problems. Also, summer time watering can cause very large changes to your water/sewer bill as well.